Documenting the Process…
Hillary Klauber Hillary Klauber

Documenting the Process…

As I continue to look through Rick’s records and documents one of the things I ran across was a series of photos outlining the process of making one of his pieces. Erupting Lava Flow is a piece that Rick did step by step process shots for. Interesting and a window into how detailed and immersed in the creation process he was.

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What do you see in the stones?
suiseki, artwork, stone art, viewing stones Hillary Klauber suiseki, artwork, stone art, viewing stones Hillary Klauber

What do you see in the stones?

Part of the legacy of Rick was his stones. It may sound odd, but they were much more to him than just rocks. They represented many things. A treasure hunt, a meeting of nature and craftsmanship, a way to connect with a different kind of peacefulness, and way to express himself creatively. While reading through some of his work I found this…

“Nature is remarkable is imitating itself in uncut stone found in waterways, deserts and beaches of the Western United States. It is my goal as an artist to bring these natural wonders into the home or office by providing a carved wooden base to enhance the presentation for optimal viewing…

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